When: Dec 1st
Where: Northern College of the Arts & Technology (NCAT), Melbourne
TOMORROW'S INNOVATORS will celebrate the potential of young people to become problem-solvers, innovators and actors for development, and explore how Design & Technologies education can equip them with the skills and confidence to excel in the future.
With an inspiring keynote, 26 amazing workshops, an exciting trade exhibition, drop-in hands on experiences and the best networking opportunity of the year, this is a day not to miss.
Bookings will close SUNDAY 10PM NOVEMBER 26th!
NB: You do not need a PO number to register - if your school does not allow you to attend you MUST let us know 4 days prior so that you do not get charged!
Members: $290
Non-members: $390
CRT/Students/Pre-service Teachers: $90
Thanks to our conference sponsors and exhibitors:

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash